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M206 батга арилгах арьс гүн цэвэрлэх арьс залуужуулах арьс цайруулах, чийгшүүлэгч машин

Товч тодорхойлолт:

Water and Oxygen Jet нь ус, эмнэлгийн хүчилтөрөгч, тэжээлийн шингэнийг хангалттай хольж, 230м/с хурдтайгаар цацаж арьсанд үйлчилдэг батга арилгах үр дүнтэй систем юм.Хольцын хэсгүүд нь 50-80мкм хэмжээтэй жижиг мөхлөгт арьсны эпидермисийн гүнд нэвтэрч, уутанцар болон өөхний булчирхайг бүрэн цэвэрлэнэ.

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

Бүтээгдэхүүний шошго

Water and Oxygen Jet is an effective acne treatment system, which mixes water,medical oxygen and nutrition liquid sufficiently, sprays out at the speed of 230m/s and acts on the skin. The mixture particles penetrates into deep dermis from epidermis with 50-80μm tiny granules, cleans the follicle and sebaceous gland completely.

Эмчилгээний онол

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;


1. Батга арилгах;
2. Арьс цайруулах, арьсны бүтцийг сайжруулах;
3. Арьсыг гүн цэвэрлэх, арьсанд ус, тэжээл өгөх;
4. Фолликулит;
5. Илүү сайн эмчилгээний үр дүнд хүрэхийн тулд бусад тоног төхөөрөмжтэй хослуулсан;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

Онцлог, давуу тал

1. M206 нь босоо ус ба хүчилтөрөгчийн тийрэлтэт машин шиг зардал багатай;
2. Өвөрмөц дотоод агаарын хангамжийн систем нь агаарын гарцын аюулгүй байдал, тогтвортой байдлыг баталгаажуулдаг;
3. Агаарын гаралтын тохируулгын систем нь янз бүрийн эмчилгээний хэсгүүдийн шингэний гаралтын урсгал, даралтыг нарийн хянадаг;
4. Агаарын унтраалга нь агаарын компрессор эсвэл эмнэлгийн хүчилтөрөгчийн савнаас агаарын хангамжийг хялбархан шилжүүлдэг;
5. Дотор агаарын компрессор нь эмчилгээний хэрэгцээг хангахын тулд 0-10KG агаарын гаралтын даралтыг санал болгож чадна;
6. Байгалийн гаралтай, эрүүл, цэнгэг байх тул Water & Oxygen Jet эмчилгээ нь арьсыг хүчилтөрөгч, шим тэжээлээр дүүргэж, цэвэр, залуу арьстай болгоно;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (2)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (1)

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